Dec 24, 2012

37 Weeks Pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 37 weeks &  1 day
Total weight gain/loss: 5 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Yes. They are making me look ginormous. Or maybe that is the baby! haha
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy and getting a few new ones. I am ok with that.

Food cravings: Anything sweet. Which is strange because through this whole pregnancy I didn't want sweets at all. 
Best moment this week: My hubby coming home for the holidays. 
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. Oh boy I can't wait!
Movement: Yes but different. More painful jabs & swipes. Ouchie mama. Breathing right & not waddling.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth still.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Yes I have been having a ton of contractions. They are becoming a little more painful. I can manage though. I usually breathe through them all.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Just tried to put them on & that is a no go.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & nervous. I am ready for this baby to come on out. 
Looking forward to: Nothing because my hubby will leave me soon & if baby is not here in the next week he might miss the birth. I really hope not.
Doctor's appointment: Urine was clean. Blood pressure was up high. My doctor was concerned so she did an NST in the office. Baby's heart beat was low 117 bpm because I had worked third shift the night before. She gave me crackers & water and the baby started waking up right away. This kid is a sleepy baby. She then thought I had Preeclampsia so I was ordered to do a 24 hour urine & get blood work done. Blood work came back perfect. My urine was also in normal range. 232 and they like to see it under 300. I am now on maternity leave because I can't seem to get my swelling down. Not sure what that is about. I have a ultrasound, NST, & doctor appt on Wednesday. I am excited to give my birth plan to my doctor. 
Randoms:I feel like this baby is creeping back up. But my belly grew a ton. I swear this thing doesn't stop!

Dec 13, 2012

35 Weeks Pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 35 weeks &  4 days
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds
Maternity clothes?  Yes, trying to hold off buying any new ones but I don't know this belly is outta control. My scrubs are getting way to tight! I may have to break down & buy some. 
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy and getting a few new ones. I am ok with that.

Food cravings: Nope nothing that stands out this week. Just food!!
Best moment this week: Having braxton hicks contractions with lower abdomen cramping. Called the doctor she told me to time them & if they where for an hour long 1-3 minutes apart then call back. They went away :( 
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. Oh boy I can't wait!
Movement: Yes but different. More painful jabs & swipes. Ouchie mama.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth still.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Lost part of my mucus plug. Doctor told me it's normal & that to worry if I leak fluid. I had lower bottom pressure over the weekend. Not sure what that was about. I didn't have to go to the bathroom. But it sure felt like it. Braxton Hicks and lower abdomen pain. Still going on. I hope I am dialated at my next appt.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off & my husband came home from school and saw my hand & he joked like he was upset. That guy lost his ring 2 years into our marriage lol.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Anxious & nervous. 
Looking forward to: Maternity leave. :) oh & Christmas.
Doctor's appointment: Gained 3 pounds, measuring 37 weeks, blood pressure great, Hb 130, clean urine, & everything is looking good. I got my t-dap shot. Let me tell you, it got puffy & felt like someone punched my arm. I had a huge bruise & bump for a few days.
Randoms: I added a few photos taken with my phone. I need to take some with my Nikon. I am a slacker I know :(  
The bump dropped a little lower I can tell that from 31 weeks. 

Dec 10, 2012

34 weeks pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 34 weeks &  5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds but I lost the last two weeks so she said I am right now track.
Maternity clothes?  Yes, trying to hold off buying any new ones but I don't know this belly is outta control.
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy and getting a few new ones. I am ok with that.

Food cravings: Yes whoppers from Burger King & Guacamole
Best moment this week: My doctor's appointment because I asked so many questions about labor & delivery. She was so cool about everything. I am so excited. 
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. Oh boy I can't wait!
Movement: Yes but different. More painful jabs & swipes. Ouchie mama.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth still.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Lost part of my mucus plug. Doctor told me it's normal & that to worry if I leak fluid. I had lower bottom pressure over the weekend. Not sure what that was about. I didn't have to go to the bathroom. But it sure felt like it.  
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off & my husband came home from school and saw my hand & he joked like he was upset. That guy lost his ring 2 years into our marriage lol.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & in love. I always get this weird feeling over me when I see something I love or a person I love. I get all excited.
Looking forward to: Maternity leave. :) oh & Christmas.
Doctor's appointment: Gained 3 pounds, measuring 37 weeks, blood pressure great, Hb 130, clean urine, & everything is looking good. I got my t-dap shot. Let me tell you, it got puffy & felt like someone punched my arm. I had a huge bruise & bump for a few days.
Randoms: Next appointment will be a few days before Christmas. She said she will check for dilation & Group B strep. She also said if I am dilated that she wont stop me from having baby :) I doubt it but hey worth a try. Not even sure if I want to be checked because the less hands the better but I am already getting my swab done so maybe.

Nov 26, 2012

33 Weeks Pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 33 weeks & 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs lost at my doctors appt on 11/20
Maternity clothes? Yes. I can't wait to wear normal clothes. My winter hoodies & coat is a little snug.  
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy but no new ones.
Food cravings: Pumpkin pie, ice cream, pho, queso dip, & jerky
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving. I loved seeing my aunt & uncle. Being with family makes having a baby so much more real. That's all they talk about. I stuffed myself that day. Many days after as well.
Miss Anything? Moving a little faster than a turtles pace. I am just about done being pregnant now.
Movement: Yes. It has lessened. I heard that was normal. I can tell it's sleeping hours now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth is becoming a chore. I throw up every morning. I brush them before breakfast. I used to brush them after but I can't or I will just lose my breakfast.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off after work. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy. excited. nervous.
Looking forward to: Maternity leave. :) oh & Christmas.
Doctor's appointment: I saw my nurse practioner instead of my regular OB because I have been picking up full time hours at work. I didn't have any questions for her which I felt bad because at 33 weeks you'd think I'd have a ton of questions but I don't. Only for my doctor. I will see her this week. I lost 3 pounds before Thanksgiving ;) & everything else was normal.
Randoms: Pelvic pain, I can't get comfortable anymore to sleep. It feels like the baby is laying right on my lungs. I get full so fast but then merly 1 hour later I am starving. I have to sit in the recliner to get comfortable. I have been leaking colostrum since week 29. Only from the left boob. It's so strange. I wake up to a sticky shirt. Happens almost nightly. Let's see here what else can I bitch about ahaha. I swear pregnancy is a beautiful thing. But somethings us women have to put up with. I sweat like a hog  & breathe like a fat kid.

Nov 17, 2012

31 weeks pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 31 weeks & 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs maybe a trend? lol 
Maternity clothes? Yes. I need new scrubs for work :( they are to tight. I hate that my clothes make me feel like I can't breathe.  
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy but no new ones.
Food cravings: Not really anything specific.
Best moment this week: My husband coming home for the weekend. It always puts a smile on my face to see him. He lites up every time he sees my belly. It makes me happy.
Miss Anything? Sushi. Brushing my teeth without throwing up. Eating normal amounts of food. 
Movement: Yes tons. More swipes and swooshes then punches and kicks now. The baby is practicing breathing and it moves my belly up and down. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth is becoming a chore. I throw up every morning. I brush them before breakfast. I used to brush them after but I can't or I will just lose my breakfast.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unkonwn
Labor Signs: I had a few contractions & bloody show but got monitored and everthing was fine.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off after work. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy. excited. nervous.
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving in a few days. 
Doctor's appointment: I was put in labor and delivery for 4 hours to monitor the baby because I was coughing so hard that I was bleeding. They put me on cough meds and made me be on bed rest for 2 days. I was worried I would have Baby Hardy early. Thank goodness no it needs to bake a litle longer. 
Baby Hardy's Stats:
4lbs 7 oz 
Ultrasound due date 1/1/13
Lots of hair 
measuring 33 weeks & 4 days
Head down
stubborn ;) 

Nov 8, 2012

30 Weeks pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 30 Weeks & 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 3 LBS
Maternity clothes? Yes. Things are fitting more snug. I need to lay off the hot coco & snacks :/ 
Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy but no new ones.
Best moment this week: Yes. My baby shower was Sunday 11/4 Theme was Mommy to Bee & I had an amazing time. Family & friend I haven't seen in a while. I really enjoyed myself. I am in awe of everything Baby Hardy recieved. That is one lucky baby to be so loved. I know everyone is anticipating it's arrival as much as we are.
Miss Anything? Sushi. I can't wait to give birth to eat some yumm. Moving around in bed to get comfy. I really can't get comfortable with a big ol' belly.
Movement: Yes tons. More swipes and swooshes then punches and kicks now. It moves it's head a lot which is right below my breasts. It feels weird and hurts sometimes.
Food cravings: Not really anything specific.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I lied last week. Brushing my teeth is becoming a chore. I throw up every morning. I brush them before breakfast. I used to brush them after but I can't or I will just lose my breakfast.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Unkonwn
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still emotional. It is getting pretty bad. I get upset about almost anything.
Looking forward to: My birthday Sunday & seeing my husband. I can't wait to see him.
Doctor's appointment: I got diagnosised with pneumonia yesterday. Didn't think the cough I had was that but sure is.  I am now on an antibiotic. Baby's heart beat was 140. measuring at 34 weeks still. Gained 3 pounds. I get an ultrasound on the 13th of November to see how my fluids are measuring. I can't wait to see the baby. :)

Oct 29, 2012

29 weeks pregnant | 3rd Trimester

How far along? 29 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: about 30 lbs now
Maternity clothes? Yes. I can't wait to wear normal clothes. 

Stretch marks? Had them before pregnancy but no new ones.
Best moment this week: It's been a rough few weeks nothing to exciting. Oh waking up to a lactating boob is no good! I was so mad I thought someone spilt something in bed. I woke up and a perfect circle around my breast. Crust and sticky. I can chalk that up to lactating. I didn't think it'd happen this early.
Miss Anything? Not peeing every hour. Not sweeling after work would be great.
Movement: Yes tons. More swipes and swooshes then punches and kicks now. It moves it's head a lot which is right below my breasts. It feels weird and hurts sometimes.
Food cravings: pumpkin anything. yummy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Yes in my street clothes but it's hard to tell in my scrubs at work.
Gender: Unkonwn
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired and always hungry. Emotional yes!
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Sunday 11/4 & then my birthday because I get to see my hubby finally! After 4 weeks of not seeing him.
Doctor's appointment: gained 4 pounds :( eek lol thanks to baby cause I love to eat! No Rhogam shot woop. I have a postive blood type. Group B Strep at 36 weeks. Plus an ultrasound then as well. Baby is breech. Doing tricks to make it turn head down but it's not having it lol. Measuring 34 weeks. Big ol' baby! I have always measured ahead. No Gestional Diabetes. Thank God I was worried. :/ Next appointment is next week. I am an every two weeks now! How exciting.

Oct 23, 2012

28 Weeks Pregnant | Third Trimester

How far along?  28 weeks pregnant & 3 Days
Baby is the size of a: Small Cabbage
Total weight gain/loss:Go to the doctor's tomorrow so we shall see :/
Maternity clothes?  Yes & now my work scrubs are getting tight. Time to upgrade.
Sleep: Sleep is good I wake up at night at 2 am every night to pee. I try to hold it so I can sleep longer but that doens't always work.   
Best moment this week: I don't recall any. It has been a tough week.
 Movement:  Hip pain but physical therapy is working wonders. I go 2-3 times a week. The pain is only at night when I am tossing & turning.
Food cravings/aversions:  None I basically rather not eat these past few days. Just no appetite. Also I throw up every morning :(
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Staying at home & enjoying this pregnancy. Now I work & get stressed out. 
What I am looking forward to:   Baby shower is in 2 weeks I can't wait to see everyone. 
Weekly Wisdom:  Keep on trucking!
Milestones:  Third Trimester YAY!
Symptoms: hip pain, thirsty, & heartburn. Heartburn comes & goes.
Doctors appt: In 1 day with GD test JOY. LOL.

Oct 9, 2012

26 weeks pregnant | 2nd trimester

How far along?  26 weeks pregnant 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Cucumber
Total weight gain/loss:Haven't weighed myself this week. Rather not know ha!Maternity clothes?  Yes & I am happy because it's fall & I love it! (SAME)
Sleep: Crazy how a week can change. I can't sleep at night anymore I maybe get about 3 good hours of sleep. I wake up to pee at least 2 times. My hips hurt more at night.   
Best moment this week: Hubby surprising us by visiting this past weekend. Movement:  Hip pain but will be in physical therapy this week until I feel better. It hurts to stand or sit for long periods of time. I've been in pt for about a week now. It makes a big difference.
Food cravings/aversions:  pumpkin anything & Hot coco! 
Belly Button in or out? In but it's getting there. BTW my belly button hurts.
What I miss: running & trying to beat my times when I was not pregnant. 
What I am looking forward to:   Baby shower.
Weekly Wisdom:  You will cry at the drop of a hat when pregnant. About anything!
Milestones:  Almost in my third trimester & still not finding out the gender.
Symptoms: hip pain, consptipation (yup I said it!) It's no fun! 
Doctors appt: In 3 weeks.

Oct 1, 2012

25 weeks pregnant | 2nd Trimester

How far along?  25 weeks pregnant
Baby is the size of a: Eggplant
Total weight gain/loss: loss of 3 pounds due to kidney stones in my 24th week :( ouch!
Maternity clothes?  Yes & I am happy because it's fall & I love it!
Sleep:   I sleep a full 8 hours at night & usually nap for about 3-4 hours during the day. When I get out of work at noon I come home & sleep until about 4 when everyone comes home from school or work. I am one sleepy bear.
Best moment this week: Watching Baby Hardy dance around in my belly.
Movement:  Hip pain but will be in physical therapy this week until I feel better. It hurts to stand or sit for long periods of time.
Food cravings/aversions:   no cravings for anything specific. I have been starving but not wanting anything specific.
Belly Button in or out? In but it's getting there.
What I miss: running & trying to beat my times when I was not pregnant. 
What I am looking forward to:   Baby shower.
Weekly Wisdom:  You will cry at the drop of a hat when pregnant. About anything!
Milestones:  Almost in my third trimester & still not finding out the gender.
Symptoms: Nausea came this week for some reason. I am never hungry for anything specific but I am hungry! 
Doctors appt: Doing great. Babies heart beat was 142 had an ultrasound to measure kidneys & they are perfet little beans. Blood pressure was fine & so was urine. Doctor called to update on ultrasound today. We have to have another one at 37 weeks becasue baby is big & baby wont show us it's pretty face.

Sep 12, 2012

What I plan on feeding baby & babies development.

Hey ladies & gents long time no talk. I wanted to update you I am 23 weeks pregnant Saturday & couldn't be more excited. I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want to feed baby when he/she may eat (that's right he/she we haven't found out the gender.) I always thought that I would give baby the Gerber food because isn't that what everyone feeds their baby? Well recently I have been researching things on blended fruits & veggies for baby. I want to make our own food & freeze it. I just feel that it is more healthier & I know what ingredients are in the food. Also I heard those foods aren't very good & if I wouldn't eat them I don't want to give them to my child. 

 Before I got pregnant I used to have all these ideas on how I want to be while pregnant. What foods I would eat, I would always exercise, and so on. Honestly though I have no time or energy to go to the gym everyday. I started a full time job and it's demanding right now. I soon will be part time and that will change. 

Right now I take a prenatal supplement like all pregnant women should. It is Brain Strong with DHA. Before that I was taking an off Walmart brand of prenatals. I did this because it was cheaper & I just wasn't that educated in prenatals. I still am not an expert but I know what my baby needs now. Since I have been taking the vitamins I have felt so much better & all around have more energy but this is not about that. I wanted to try a prenatal that would benefit me & baby. Not just now but in the long run as well. We read to our babies in utero, sing to them, etc; why not give them the best vitamins they need before they are born? They say that on average, pregnant & nursing women in the U.S. consume 60-80 mg of DHA a day, from food and drink, which is only 20-25% of the recommended intake. I admit I probably don't have the best diet & probably don't get as much nutrients & vitamins through my foods. 

Kids are learning so fast this day in age we can give them a little boost with Brain Strong DHA. Baby depends on their mother for its supply of DHA. I always said I want my kids to be like how my niece was. She could tell you her address & phone number at the age of 2. I could have hour long conversations with her at this age. I just loved it. I want to do everything I can to make my baby brain strong. I play baby music & read to baby because I enjoy it & I hope so does baby. If we can start benefiting our children earlier I think that is amazing. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant I recommend these. They are a little big in size and they come in two capsules. A gel capsule which is the DHA supplement for baby & then a hard pill which is the multivitamin. I also take a b12 vitamin with them as well. 

"I was compensated for this post.  All opinions expressed are my own."

Jul 30, 2012

Summer Beauty Voxbox | Influenster

My youtube :) 


I was gifted a voxbox for review by Influenster. All opinions are my own & true. Please take the time to check out there page & sign up so you also can review products for this amazing company.


Price: $8.99 for 6oz bottle
I loved this because I put it on after my shower & before I left the house. Not just for the beach or pool. Protect that skin.
"Also available in SPF 12, 30, 50!

With its ultra-luxurious hydrating silk ribbons, Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration™ lotion sunscreen nourishes and pampers skin while providing broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection, and 12-hour moisturization when out in the sun."


Always & Tampax Radiant Pouch
Price: May very per box
I am pregnant so I thought I wouldn't need these. Well we had a scare & I started bleeding so I used the liners & pads. I loved them. It was convienent in the pouch & the liners were smooth & thin. I couldn't tell that I had it on.
"Tampax & Always have come together to premiere the all new, stylish Radiant collection, a complete offering of premium tampons, pads, liners, and wipes that meets all of a women's feminine care needs. With designer packaging and wrappers, these products are must have accessories for that time of the month."


Price: $3.29 a box
I loved these. I will be buying a few boxes of my own. Perf for summer to throw in your beach bag or purse. Also amazing for preggo women who have morning sickness to snack on : )
"Made with real bananas and almonds, Quaker Soft Baked Bars Banana Nut Bread flavor has tasty ingredients and key nutrients to help provide fuel to start your day.

-5g Fiber*
-20% daily value of 5 B Vitamins
-6g of Protein
*Contains 3.5g of total fat per serving"


Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Color
Price: $9.99
I have yet to try this out on my nails but I have seen a lot of tutorials about it & I can't wait to put it on my nails & rock it out through the summer!!

"NEW! Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Color is summer’s hottest nail trend that allows you to create a gorgeous 3-D nail art effect in just seconds. This unique formula has been specially developed with metallic particles – just hold the built-in magnet over wet polish to reveal a unique design on the nail. Seal with a topcoat for extra shine! Learn more at

Easy steps
Shake and Apply 2 coats
Hold Magnet for 10 seconds over wet nail polish
Instant Attraction!
Let dry and seal with a top coat for extra shine"


Prices: $5.99
While you are painting your nails go on ahead & give your self a manicure. Enjoy it & take a day for your self. This smells amazing like oranges & makes your hands super soft. I love it! 
"Soften hands, smooth cuticles and condition nails. Active Moisture Complex formula with Ceramides helps lock in nutrients so hands maintain their ideal moisture level. Lasts through hand hand washings. Fast absorbing. Non-greasy. Learn more at

Nails & Cuticles Hand Creme
24 HR Moisture
Shea Butter"


Price: $4.99-5.99 
I used this shampoo & conditioner for 7 days & my hair indeed was softer & more nourished. The stuff smells amazing! I mean my husband was even amazed at how good it smelled! I will be using this as my new shampoo. It doesn't leave your hair greasy or oily in anyway after 24 hours!
"The search for strong, beautiful hair is finally over. Introducing CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™, a new line of shampoos and conditioners that will change the way women care for their hair. 99% percent of hair’s natural strength and beauty comes from the scalp. For years women have been treating the ends of their hair, rather than the source — the scalp. One small change like feeding scalp* can make a big difference. FEED SCALP* with new CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™.

NEW CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ is available in a range of six shampoos and five conditioners to meet different scalp and hair needs. The line is infused with Nutrum 10TM technology, a rich blend of vitamins and nutrients. CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ nourishes the scalp, and creates the right foundation for strong, beautiful hair from root to tip. CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ gives women stronger**, more beautiful hair in just 7 days. For more information, please visit our site."
I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster. 

Jun 29, 2012

Bradford | Family

Sabrina has been a friend of our family since I was in Middle school. They lived next door to us growing up. Sabrina & Adam have been together since then. I still can't believe it. They have had 4 beautiful children together & still going strong as a couple. Sunday was absolutely perfect for a shoot. It was my first photo shoot as a pregnant lady. Nothing is different haha. Enjoy the photos.

{The Bradford Family}

{Adam (Dad) & Aarron}

{Brianna the oldest}

{Alyssa the youngest}

{Aarron the middle boy}

{Autumn the middle girl}

{All three of the oldest kids}

{All the Bradford kids}

Sabrina and her babies.
{Mama (Sabrina) & her babies}

Thank you Bradford family for letting me shoot your wonderful family. I enjoyed it very much.

My little hiatus.

Were have I been? Well me & my husband picked up our lives in Virginia & moved to Michigan. As you may know. My husband has been working & was going to school. I would like to announce though that we are................

Yup! We are having a baby Hardy : )

We found out on April 31st 2012. I took 5 tests to make sure & then  confirmed it with a doctors appointment with blood work. My HCG levels where 29 at the first draw 3 days later it was 96. The doctor's office had me wait until I was 8 weeks to get an ultrasound. On June 4th 2012 my life changed forever! I saw our little bean on the screen & cried. I am overjoyed to be a mother to our little one. 

My husband was in shock I think. He may never admit it but I believe he was. He is just now getting amped up to met our little one. I am in due in January at the beginning. Down side it will be dead of winter! UGH!  
I have so much joy & happiness that I could burst. I am nervous & scared all at the same time. I know God will bless us & be with me always. He will lead me down the right path. 

Thnx to our friends & family for being so supportive. 

Due Date: 01/13/2013
Gender: Unknown
Gestational age: 11w6d

Apr 9, 2012

Chico | Family

I had the honor of shooting this lovely little family. You may remember Franki (the only little white girl in the photo) from my previous post. This is her father's family. Her 3 little gorgeous sisters, step mother, & father. They are an adorable little family. I had an amazing time with them & I was wore out at the end of the shoot. Franki, Noelani, Aida, & Arella from oldest to youngest. Such unique but gorgeous names. Aida kept running away & getting distracted. She also is very intelligent. Noelani loves to follow Franki around & you can tell she looks up to her. Arella is her own person. She has the cutest personality. Franki is just a ball of crazyness. She loves to be in the know of everything & loves to be the mother goose.


The family. Eunice, Neftaly, Arella, Noelani, Aida, & Franki.


Daddy with all his little girls.


Neftaly with his littlest girl, Arella.


The queen of the house. Eunice is the most sweetest gorgeous mommy EVER! 


Neftaly, the man of the house.


Franki & Noelani. They are so close & Noelani really looks up to her big sister. BTW Franki speaks fluent spanish! :)


Aida, Nolani, & Franki.


Aida & her sassy little self.